47 files found in Library "No area description provided by PsL."

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Name Extracted Size Date Description
ACHV12.ZIP Yes 544059 2/9/1994
Argo Checkers is a checkers game. Features
include animated graphics, digital sound, and
SoundBlaster support. Requires VGA, 640K, and
a 286 or above. (Mark P. Huff) (ASP)
(Reg.Fee: $15)
AGGRESS.ZIP Yes 78269 5/16/1994
Aggression 1.05 is a unique graphic board
game that combines some of the aspects of
checkers and backgammon. The object is to get
all of your pieces from their starting side
to the opposite side before your opponent
does from a random starting pattern. Requires
mouse, EGA/VGA. (Expert Source Code, Inc.)
(Reg.Fee: $15)
ANTIC.ZIP Yes 71937 5/16/1994
AntiC 1.11 is a cross between Othello and
Life. The object of AntiC is make the pattern
a single color color using the fewest number
of transformations. Each square is one of
three colors and sends its color to
neighboring squares in the network. If only
one color comes into a square, it takes that
color. If two colors come in, they cancel and
the square assumes the third color. Each time
you change a square, all squares in the
pattern are recalculated and redrawn.
Requires EGA monitor and mouse. (Steve
Estvanik) (ASP) (Reg.Fee: $20)
APPLES.ZIP Yes 99924 11/20/1993
Apples & Oranges is the game of Othello
using apples and oranges rather than the
usual black and white pieces. Unfortunately,
the program plays a rather weak game, but the
graphics are unbeatable. So it's not that
much fun to play, but it's great for showing
off your video. Three levels of play are
offered. Requires EGA or VGA, 355k RAM and a
mouse. (Expert Source Code, Inc.) (Reg.Fee:
BACK_JG.ZIP Yes 37351 5/16/1994
BackGammon is a CGA version of Backgammon,
with doubling cube, graphics and running game
score. It plays a decent game, but no option
is given for turning off the annoying sounds.
(Joe Gatewoodtewood) (Reg.Fee: $0)
BACKGAM.ZIP Yes 49289 5/16/1994
Backgammon is a backgammon game that is very
awkward to play, but which comes with
complete C source code. Even if you are not a
programmer, it is interesting to look at the
source and read the comments. If you ARE a
programmer, you should find the code to be
BACKGMM.ZIP Yes 31388 5/16/1994
Backgammon This is just an electronic board
and dice with which you can play a human
opponent. The computer will not play you.
BACKTDM.ZIP Yes 46069 5/16/1994
Backgammon 5.1 is a challenging version of
the ancient board game. It offers a multitude
of playing options and includes 10 levels of
difficulty. Pieces are moved by typing in the
position number you want to play. You can
save and recall games, switch sides during
play, take back moves, use a doubling cube,
have the computer suggest moves, and much
more. The program does not offer mouse
support, and it can be a nuisance to type in
numbers to move a piece. During testing, it
aborted to DOS when trying to save a game.
Despite these flaws, we believe it is the
strongest backgammon game in the library.
(The Dream Machine) (Reg.Fee: $12)
BATLSHIP.ZIP Yes 110162 11/20/1993
BattleShip 2.3 is a computerized version of
BattleShip with a twist. It features islands,
mine sweeping, submerge submarine, moving spy
ship, and more. Requires 286+ and mouse.
(SimoneSystems Software) (Reg.Fee: $15)
BG.ZIP Yes 35616 5/16/1994
BG is a very good backgammon program. Moving
the blots is not exactly difficult, but it
could have been made easier to do. The author
warns you to expect to get crushed, but it is
not the strongest game in PsL.
BLITZ54.ZIP Yes 34262 8/26/1994
Blitz 5.4 is a very strong game of checkers
with many options. You can resize the checker
board, alter the response time, show movable
pieces, select two-player mode and more.
(Adrian Millett) (Reg.Fee: $24)
BLOCKAD.ZIP Yes 15491 6/17/1993
Blockade 1.9 is a strategy board game similar
to Othello. Each player takes turns placing
his pieces on the board, but unlike Othello,
your piece must be placed adjacent to both
one of your pieces and one of your
opponent's. The effects of such a placement
differ from Othello as well. An interesting
game. (Adrian Millett) (Reg.Fee: $15)
CCHECK21.ZIP Yes 206892 12/5/1993
Chinese Checkers 2.1 is a colorful game based
on the old traditional played by kids and
adults. The graphics and play of the game are
excellent. If you have the inverted-T cursor
pad on your machine, you will need to turn
off NumLock and use the number pad to play
the game, as the 1-3-7-9 keys are needed for
diagonal moves. Requires EGA/VGA and a mouse.
(ImagiSOFT, Inc.) (Reg.Fee: $20)
CHECKJM.ZIP Yes 88711 5/16/1994
Checkers 1.61 is an excellent checkers game
which has excellent graphics and plays a good
game. You can select colors and the level of
strength at which the computer should play.
(Judson McCranie) (Reg.Fee: $15)
CHEKKER.ZIP Yes 67857 5/16/1994
Chekkers 1.7 is an excellent version of
checkers. It features several levels of play,
your choice of Hoyle or Huff jump rules.
Sound can be toggled on/off. You can flip the
board to change sides and record game and
board information. (J.D. Shewchuk) (Reg.Fee:
CHEXO.ZIP Yes 85477 11/21/1993
Chexo 1.0 is a strategy board game similar to
checkers except that you can only move a
piece by jumping over another piece of yours
or the opponent's. If you jump the
opponent's, that piece is removed. The object
is to remove all the opponent's pieces.
Requires EGA/VGA and a mouse. (William
Soleau) (Reg.Fee: $12)
CHKR_PF.ZIP Yes 31317 5/16/1994
Checkers lets you play checkers against the
computer. The program is not very strong, but
the complete Turbo Pascal source code is
included. If you are a TP programmer, you may
have more fun with the source code than with
the game. EGA compatible video is required.
(Peter Franchuk) (Reg.Fee: $0)
DEFIANT.ZIP Yes 250880 2/9/1994
Doc Defiant 1.0 challenges you to compete
against Doc Defiant's dastardly henchmen in a
game of Skimmers, a game similar to Parchesi.
One player moves pieces to the right and the
other to the left, according to the value of
the dice. The catch is that after each set of
moves, if opposing pieces are in the same
column, those with lowest total value get
sent back to square one. (John J Koszewnik)
(ASP) (Reg.Fee: $13)
DOMINO.ZIP Yes 63066 8/26/1993
Domino 4.2 is an excellent implementation of
a two-person, single-spinner game of dominos
that you play against the computer. (B. J.
Ball) (Reg.Fee: $15)
DOUBOLO.ZIP Yes 56454 5/16/1994
DoublOlo is the best thing to happen to
Othello since the two-colored disc! While
many programmers have written "yet another
rendition" of the classic game of Othello
(some of them with excellent graphics and/or
playing skill), William Soleau, who has been
writing a lot of terrific games recently, has
come up with another winner. In this
variation, the board varies in size and shape
and location of obstacles on the board with
each game. This endless variety and different
challenges is sure to please anyone who has
ever enjoyed a game of Othello but who has
grown bored with the same old game all the
time. Requires EGA/VGA. (William Soleau)
(Reg.Fee: $10)
DYNAMO67.ZIP Yes 51347 4/8/1994
Dynamo Draughts 6.7 is the European version
of Draughts, a variant of checkers. Draughts
is played on a 10x10 board, although this
program allows you to resize the board. One
major difference between Draughts and
Checkers is the way a king moves. Kings can
move along an entire diagonal, leaping
opponents, landing on any space beyond the
opponent, and then taking further leaps in
different directions. You can select the
board size, number of men, response time,
auto-play, computer IQ, corner shapes and
more. (Adrian Millett) (Reg.Fee: $15-$49)
EGAGAM.ZIP Yes 77253 5/16/1994
EGAGammon 2.0 is a beautifully done version
of Backgammon for the EGA/VGA. You play the
computer or a human opponent. Mouse or
keyboard may be used by the first player.
(Daniel R. Evans) (Reg.Fee: $10)
FLIP_IT.ZIP No 33077 2/18/1993
Flip-It 4.7 is an interesting variation of
Reversi/Othello. You can select various grid
patterns and sizes for the board. There is
also an unusual play-to-lose mode. Function
keys can provide help and rules or invoke an
auto-play feature. (Adrian Millett) (Reg.Fee:
HEXES.ZIP Yes 52610 5/16/1994
Hexes 0.93 is an Othello game played on a
hexagonal board. (H.D. Foltz) (Reg.Fee: $0)
ITAL54.ZIP Yes 30814 8/26/1994
Dama Italiana 5.4s is an Italian version of
the classic board game of Draughts. In this
version, the board is inverted, with the
single corner on the right bottom of the
board. The board is numbered from 1 in
black's right-hand single corner to 32 at
white's single corner. There is also an
option to play with the English board layout
and numbering. (Adrian Millett) (Reg.Fee: $49)
MEGAPOLY.ZIP Yes 57231 11/23/1993
Megagopoly is an investment strategy game.
The object is to reach financial
independence. The game simulates an
investment environment in which a player may
test his skills by interacting with economic
parameters, standard financial algorithms and
portfolio analysis. Save/Retrieve game
options are available. (The author can no
longer be reached at the address provided in
the documentation.) (Visual Data
Communications Cor) (Reg.Fee: $18)
MOVEOVER.ZIP Yes 51269 4/8/1994
More-Over is an authorative and highly
informative text about the English version
game of draughts or checkers. This text was
written by world champion, Derek Oldbury.
(Adrian Millett) (Reg.Fee: $0)
MUGGINS.ZIP Yes 44811 5/16/1994
Muggins 1.0 is a challenging domino game in
which you play the computer. The dominoes go
up to 9-9 instead of the usual 6-6. The play
of the game and the graphics are very good.
EGA/VGA required. (Scott Young) (Reg.Fee: $8)
NUMLO.ZIP Yes 96648 3/10/1994
Numlo 1.0 is a twist on the classic game of
Othello. Instead of one opponent, you now
play against two. The grids contain point
values which add to your score. Any Othello
player will have to re-learn new strategies
in this challenging puzzle game. It features
multiple difficulty levels. Requires EGA/VGA
and a mouse. (William Soleau) (Reg.Fee: $14)
OTHL_EW.ZIP No 70660 2/24/1990
Othello 6.2 is an good implementation of
Othello for EGA or mono systems. It has seven
levels of play; can be played by one or two
players; has mouse support and a "boss
screen". This is not the strongest Othello
we've seen, but the user interface is above
average and the program is strong enough to
beat the non-expert. (The author is no longer
at the address listed in the documentation.)
(Earl Waud) (Reg.Fee: $20)
PACHISI.ZIP Yes 52376 5/16/1994
Pachisi is a version of an ancient game on
which is also based the modern game of
Parchesi. One to four people may play with
the computer optionally playing any unmanned
positions. EGA\VGA required. (George Leotti)
(Reg.Fee: $5)
PCGAMMON.ZIP Yes 129316 11/21/1993
PC-Gammon IV 1.1 plays a good game, but
really shines when it comes to the user
interface. In addition, you can save and
restore games, write a log of all moves to
disk, and customize set-up positions. Other
features include three user-selectable
playing strengths, three levels of AutoMove,
and modem play. (Repstad Computer
Consultants) (Reg.Fee: $25)
PIRATE.ZIP Yes 55929 5/16/1994
Pirate is an interesting maze type of game
in which you try to work your way through
tunnels and ledges in and around a cave,
looking for a pirate's treasure. Once found,
you attempt to work your way back out without
losing the treasure. BASIC required. Also in
this archive is a French-language adaptation
of Pirate by Jean-Pierre Cabannes. The player
may use the numeric keypad as direction keys,
the labyrinth and catacombs are more
complicated, and the second location of the
treasure is at a random place.
PROPRTY.ZIP Yes 45952 5/16/1994
Property Dealer is a Monopoly-like game
where the general idea is to buy property in
order to charge rent and thus deprive the
opposition of their money. Up to six players
can compete, and features include customizing
the board size, saving and restoring games,
and much more, including a complexity beyond
the original Monopoly game. EGA is required.
(David E. Clafton) (Reg.Fee: $5-$10)
REDHOOK1.ZIP No 188713 2/16/1993
Redhook's Revenge 1.0 You will sail the seas
as a bloodthirsty pirate in this fantastic
animated board game. You roll the dice to see
whether you will fight a city, discover
treasure, get lost in a storm, answer a
trivia question, and much more. It combines
the elements of classic board games like
Risk, Trivial Pursuit, and Life with
beautiful graphics/animation and entertaining
theme music and sound effects. Up to three
people can play, and the player with the most
gold at the end of the voyage wins. Games can
be saved, and two of the scurvy bucaneers can
be controlled by the computer. Old Redhook
himself pops up on occasion with some
endearingly salty pirate sayings. Requires
640K and VGA. An AdLib or Sound Blaster
compatible board is required to hear music.
(ImagiSOFT, Inc.) (Reg.Fee: $23)
REDHOOK2.ZIP No 209411 2/16/1993 See REDHOOK1.ZIP
REVERSI.ZIP Yes 59723 5/16/1994
Reversi 1.8 is an excellent version of
Othello that supports CGA or EGA/VGA
compatible video. It may be the strongest of
the bunch. (David Parson) (Reg.Fee: $15)
SCOOT.ZIP Yes 153735 12/5/1993
Scoot-A-Long is a simple board game along
the lines of Parchesi. The first player to
get all four game pieces to home position,
wins. Requires EGA/VGA, a hard disk and 512K
RAM. (Ray Zimmerman) (Reg.Fee: $25)
SCRABFAQ.ZIP Yes 21164 10/6/1993
Everything You'd Ever Wanna Know About
Scrabble 1.0 is a collection of facts about
the game of Scrabble. It includes information
about tourney rules for U.S. and Canada, tips
on playing a better game and lists of
Scrabble-related books, periodicals, and
software. (Steven Alexander) (Reg.Fee: $0)
SKIMMER.ZIP Yes 68771 5/16/1994
Skimmers is a two-player game somewhat like
Parchesi. One player moves pieces to the
right and the other to the left, according to
the value of the dice. The first person to
get all their pieces across the board wins.
The catch is that after each set of moves, if
opposing pieces are in the same column, those
with with lowest total value get sent back to
square one. Skimmers is easy enough for young
kids to learn, but challenging enough for
adults. VGA required. (John J Koszewnik)
(ASP) (Reg.Fee: $17)
TEGL1.ZIP Yes 154359 7/26/1993
The Big Games Package is a set of five
different games for EGA/VGA: Monopoly,
Mahjong Solitaire, Klondike Solitaire, Mille
Bornes and Big2. (TEGL Systems Corporation)
(Reg.Fee: $35)
TEGL2.ZIP Yes 125649 7/26/1993 See TEGL1.ZIP
TEGL3.ZIP Yes 180345 7/26/1993 See TEGL1.ZIP
TEGL4.ZIP Yes 189259 7/26/1993 See TEGL1.ZIP
THOR.ZIP Yes 826129 1/20/1994
Thor is a very strong Othello/Reversi game.
It allows you to play against the computer or
to use it as an Othello board to play another
person. A complete set of functions for the
study of the game is included. Requires 512K
memory, a high density floppy or a hard disk
with 2 mb of free space. (Sylvain Quin)
(Reg.Fee: $0)
TRIBOLO.ZIP Yes 86630 12/9/1993
Tribolo pits you against two computer
opponents in a game of three way Othello. The
regular rules of Othello apply, but having
three participants creates drastically
different playing strategies. Tribolo has
excellent EGA graphics and mouse support.
(William Soleau) (Reg.Fee: $12)
WARSHIPS.ZIP Yes 117919 11/20/1993
Warships 2.5 is a computerized version of the
game Battleship. You play against the
computer, trying to sink its ships before it
sinks yours. It features sound effects, nice
EGA/VGA graphics, and mouse control. (Allen
Grider) (Reg.Fee: $15)